- Tutorial 1: 50 Euro
- Tutorial 2: 50 Euro
- Tutorial 3: 100 Euro
- All tutorials bundle: 150 Euro
In order to attend one or more tutorials, follow this link
Tutorial 1: Driving Digital Transformation through Digital Design Thinking: The Scene2Model Approach
- Innovation and transformation, as well as the emergence of disruptive business ecosystems, supported by various software, have gained increasing significance. One approach to tackle this complex task is Design Thinking, which applies designer problem-solving techniques for agile, ideation, prototyping, and testing in innovative processes through collaboration among stakeholders. The goal is to generate ideas by using different design thinking methods, based on tangible visualization of certain aspects of the problem within a developed solution space, where collaboration among stakeholders plays a central role.
Course topics
- The tutorial will introduce participants to storyboards as a selected Design Thinking method. Haptic paper figures (SAP ScenesTM) are used to depict scenes and build storyboards in the context of a use case. Participants will observe the end-to-end process of a software tool-supported transformation from haptic paper objects into digitized models. The Scene2Model software tool, not only enables this transformation but also semantically enriches the models and allows their automated composition into storyboards. This software tool supports also the specification of outcomes, for example for marketing purposes, or project-based new releases of certain products/services.
Format and duration
- The tutorial will be held as a 90 min session. Ideally, the tutorial is organized with a physical presence, however, it can be adapted to online format only as well. The tutorial combines theoretical and practical work sessions in teams,
- The tutorial is guided by two instructors with expertise in conceptual modelling, design thinking concepts and
methods, and the Scene2Model environment. Both instructors have previous experience in organizing and hosting
similar tutorials (e.g., at the NEMO Summer School Series) for participants with different professional
Wilfrid Utz received his PhD from the University of Vienna, Research Group Knowledge Engineering in the field of metamodel design and conceptual structures. He has been involved in international research and innovation projects and gained experience in the field of modeling method conceptualization, meta-model design, and implementation of modeling tools using ADOxx in various application domains. His research and professional interest relate to the knowledge representation using metamodeling concepts and platforms. Iulia Vaidian received her master’s degree at the Vienna University of Economics and Business and gained experience in design thinking, business process management, and conceptual modelling concepts and technologies in her responsibilities as part of the OMiLAB team.
Tutorial 2: Lean Analytics Canvas for Decision-Making in Software Projects
- Nowadays, we have several tools that provide different metrics for our software project. These metrics can give information about code quality, software architecture, development process, and even your company business. However, in several cases, after getting those metrics, nobody knows what exactly should be done about them. In this workshop, I present "software analytics": a data-driven approach to support decisions and concrete actions in a software project. In addition, it will introduce a canvas that supports a lightweight technique that can be applied to support an analytics process in small and medium size teams.
Course topics:
- Bad practices in using metrics
- Introduction to software analytics
- Patterns for software analytics in small and medium teams
- Software Analytics Canvas
- Concrete examples of Canvas usage
- Exercise: Using the canvas in practice
- The tutorial will be held as a 90 min session. After introducing software analytics and the canvas, some concrete examples from real projects will illustrate how this technique can be implemented in practice. The participants will have the opportunity to try the canvas themselves in a practical exercise.
- Eduardo Guerra is a Researcher at the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Italy. The focus of Eduardo Guerra’s research can be defined as “finding better ways to develop software,” which can include programming approaches and processes to be used by the development team. He considers the principles of Agile Software Development the core guidance of his research since they share the goal of improving software quality, optimizing development time, and increasing software adaptability. Test-driven development (TDD) was the core of several works that focused on test code refactoring, application of TDD for specific kinds of software, and teaching and evaluating the technique. Also, in the scope of programming techniques, the usage of metadata and code annotations were the focus of several works that aimed to study them as an alternative to make the software more adaptable and improve the code quality.
Tutorial 3: Design Sprint: fast problem-solving through collaboration
- The tutorial proposed here presents the design sprint approach, a 4-day process for rapidly solving big challenges, creating new products, or improving existing ones. Developed in Google Ventures, it relies on a tight coupling between an idea and the data that allow to verify or discard it, hence ensuring that a product does at the same time match the business needs of the company running the sprint and the needs of the final user. The advantages of this approach include a quick validation of new ideas before committing to a strategic project, the alignment of different stakeholders on the objectives and challenges to be faced, a structuring of creative thinking through visual representation, and an iterative verification of actionable outcomes.
Course topics
- The tutorial will start from a methodological introduction of design sprint, following with a detailed description of the activities envisioned in its application, and finishing with a practical workshop to exemplify the application of the approach.
Format and duration
- The tutorial will last 180 minutes in total, including a one-hour methodological introduction and a two-hour practical workshop.
- Silvia Bordin is a user experience consultant and certified design sprint facilitator. She works with medium to large companies to promote innovation by improving their interaction with users, in terms of digital products and business processes. She holds a PhD with distinction in Computer Science from the University of Trento and EIT Digital, where she focused on bridging the gap between academia and industry by integrating user-centred design in Agile development.