ICSOB 2022

List of Abstracts

An instrument for evaluating data-driven traffic management applications in the context of digital transformation towards a smart city

Overcoming Barriers to Digital Transformation – Development of a Decision Matrix

Digital Twin Ecosystems: Potential Stakeholders and Their Requirements

Definition of the enterprise integration platforms as a service — Towards a common understanding

Roadmapping in the Digital Transformation Literature

A Systematic Mapping Study of Empirical Research Methods in Software Ecosystems

Interrelation of Digitalization and Digital Transformation in a Maritime company

Where Does This Feature Belong To? Locating Businessto-Business Features in a Platform Ecosystem

The Role of Actors in Platform Ecosystems: A Systematic Literature Review and Comparison Across Platform

Towards understanding how software startups deal with UX from customer and user information

The Evolution of Software Startup Research: A Survey of Literature

On the Characteristics of Internal Software Startups

On the Compliance of Platforms with Children’s Privacy and Protection Requirements - An Analysis of TikTok

Democratizing Software Development: A Systematic Multivocal Literature Review and Research Agenda on Citizen Development

Management Accounting Concepts for Inner Source Software Engineering

DevOps challenges in organizations: Through professional lens

Quō vādis, Data Business? A Study for understanding maturity of embedded system companies in data economy

Implementing AI ethics in a software engineering project-based learning environment - The case of WIMMA lab

Conducting B2B SaaS Business with a Freemium Model: A Case Study

Increasing Employees’ Willingness to Share: Introducing Appeal Strategies for People Analytics

Anti-Pattern Detection in Process-Driven Decision Support Systems

An investigation of factors influencing online shopping behaviors in the context of China and Australia

Digital Transformation towards Sustainability: A Case Study of Process Views in District Heating

Gender Bias in the Recruitment Process of IT Startups in the Netherlands

Green ICT Adoption and Challenges: Evidence from the Finnish ICT Sector